Source code is the foundation of software development — a set of instructions written by programmers to create applications, websites, and systems.
While well-structured, documented code is easier to maintain, debug, and scale, poorly written code can open companies up to vulnerabilities. The problem is you can’t always tell, just by using a software program, whether the source code is well-structured or a mitigated mess. But even if it’s not evident without looking under the proverbial hood, bad source code could expose your company to vulnerabilities hackers could access.
One report in 2020 noted that approximately 2.8 trillion — yes, that’s “trillion” with a “t” — lines of source code have been written worldwide over the past two decades. It added that the tally was north of five times the estimated number of Milky Way stars.
If you want to ensure your source code is good, contacting a source code expert makes sense. A subject matter expert can answer your questions, help find any potential issues, and recommend the right fix. It’s the sort of investment worth considering if you want clean source code that won’t subject you to issues that bad actors will only too willingly exploit.
Keep reading for five things about source code that are worth knowing.
- It’s the Blueprint of Software
One way to characterize source code is to look at it as the blueprint of software. It’s human-readable instructions presented in programming languages. Source code is then translated into machine code that computers can use to do whatever the source code calls for.
Popular programming languages include, but aren’t limited to, JavaScript, SQL, Python, and C++.
- Ownership & Licensing Matter
Another thing to consider is ownership and licensing. It’s essential to know who owns the source code. Many court cases have been held because of source code issues. Your business can sidestep these problems by ensuring that the source code owner of any software, whether custom-made or otherwise, is established.
Whether using proprietary or open-source licenses, you need to know how the source code can be used, distributed, and modified.
- Security Risks in Unprotected Code
Yet another thing to grasp about source code is that it can contribute to security breaches and intellectual property theft if managed improperly. According to one source citing 2023 statistics, around 63% of software had first-party flaws, while 70% had third-party code flaws.
So, you can’t assume all is good and well. A source code expert can give you the answers you need if you’d rather not roll the dice and hope for the best.
- Avoid Spaghetti Code for Best Results
Sometimes you have to actually examine the source code with a fine-tooth comb to see whether it’s quality or a mixed bag.
On the one hand, clean code is a term used to describe code that is well-structured and up to spec since it’s easier to debug, maintain, and update such source code. On the other hand, spaghetti code is a term used to describe code that is unstructured or hard to follow since it can cause inefficiencies, security risks, and expensive maintenance requirements.
- Intellectual Property Laws Protect It
Intellectual property laws safeguard source code. So, you can protect yours under trade secret laws, copyrights, and patents. Again, it’s a good idea to talk to a source code expert about such matters.
You can also ask a source code expert about the possible use of non-disclosure agreements to safeguard your proprietary code.
These are some things to know about source code. Whether your business creates software or uses off-the-shelf, custom, or open source software, it pays to consult with a source code expert if there are questions about the intellectual property.