5 Things You Should Never Do if Charged with a DUI


Approximately 1 million people in the United States are charged with DUIs every year. 

As surprising as this might be, it’s even more eye-opening that millions more people drive under the influence but avoid getting caught. So, the number of people arrested is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg since the roads and highways are plagued with people who break the law.

5 Things to Avoid if Facing DUI Charges

If charged with a DUI offense, you should never treat it like a small matter. Remember that a DUI is a criminal charge. That’s even more true if you get behind the wheel while intoxicated and cause an accident that severely injures someone. A DUI charge is something to take seriously.

“Facing a DUI charge is serious, and hiring a lawyer is crucial to protect your rights,” says a DUI lawyer at SBBL Law. “A skilled attorney can navigate complex laws, challenge evidence, and negotiate for reduced penalties or dismissal. Without legal expertise, you risk severe consequences that could affect your freedom, finances, and future opportunities.”

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that around 32% of traffic collision deaths in the country involve drunk motorists. Unfortunately, too many drivers are willing to roll the dice and put their lives and the lives of others at risk. Doing so can set off a train of events that cause property damage, injuries, and fatalities.

While it’s best to avoid a DUI situation, sometimes mistakes happen. Some people misjudge how much they drink and get themselves in trouble by so doing. If you ever, for whatever reason, face a DUI charge, avoid doing these five things.

  1. Don’t Refuse a Breathalyzer or Blood Test

While it might tempting to refuse a blood test or breathalyzer, doing so can be against the law, depending on where you’re from. If a police officer suspects you’re driving under the influence of alcohol and asks you to take a breathalyzer, you could face an automatic license suspension if you refuse. Your refusal could also be used against you in court.

  1. Don’t Plead Guilty Immediately

While it’s true that honesty is the best policy, the law gives you the right to safeguard against self-incrimination for a reason. So, if charged with a DUI, don’t acknowledge guilt. For one thing, a breathalyzer or blood test might indicate that your blood alcohol content (BAC) is below the legal limit. The BAC limit throughout much of the U.S. is 0.08%. But some states, like Utah, have a stricter BAC limit.

If you acknowledge guilt before retaining a DUI lawyer, you could face stiffer penalties and more charges you might have otherwise avoided. Don’t make your lawyer’s job harder than it needs to be. Say as little as possible until you hire a legal professional.

  1. Don’t Argue with the Authorities

Getting into an argument with law enforcement officials is another no-no. When dealing with the cops, you should be respectful. Yelling, throwing a tantrum, and being disrespectful will get you nowhere. In fact, it could jeopardize your chances of the outcome you want.

After identifying yourself and providing proof of insurance, respectfully inform the police you want to hire a lawyer and won’t entertain any more questions until you have done so.

  1. Don’t Discuss the Case Publicly

You should also avoid talking about your case publicly. That means keeping things under wraps when talking to family, friends, or anyone else. Never assume that things you say in casual conversations won’t come back to bite you in the rear. And if your words are used against you in court, you could face serious consequences.

  1. Don’t Drive if Your License is Suspended

It shouldn’t need to be stated, but you shouldn’t get behind the wheel of a car if your driver’s license is suspended. It’s not uncommon for a DUI charge to lead to a suspended license. 

Unfortunately, some people facing such scenarios throw caution to the wind and drive despite the suspension. That’s a no-no, regardless of how you look at it.

If facing a DUI charge, there are things you must avoid. Failing to consider these five recommendations could worsen an already unpleasant situation. The good news is that hiring a reputable DUI lawyer can help you navigate the process and achieve a good outcome.