5 Tips to Secure Strong Legal Counsel


 When you’re pressed for time and need to find a lawyer fast, the process can feel overwhelming. No matter what you’re up against, having the right legal representation will make all the difference. The law is highly complex and you need guidance from a skilled, trustworthy attorney. 

 5 Tips to Find a Good Lawyer

  1. Don’t hire the first lawyer you find

It’s tempting to sign a contract with the first lawyer you find who agrees to take your case, but that’s not the best strategy. You need to be discerning and a bit picky. Any lawyer can take on clients; you need a lawyer who wins cases. 

The criteria for finding a good lawyer begins with making sure they have experience (and wins) with your specific type of case. Some law firms only specialize in one area, while others offer legal support for a variety of practice areas. For instance, the attorneys at Fulton & Barr handle several types of cases, including personal injury, workers’ comp, car accidents, and Social Security benefits denials. The practice areas listed on a lawyer’s website will give you insight into the cases they take. 

Specific experience is a must. For instance, if you’re filing a lawsuit against someone for a dog bite injury, and you don’t see dog bites listed as a practice area, that law firm may not have much experience with your type of case. They may be an amazing personal injury attorney, but not all injury cases are the same. Keep looking for someone who can proudly state they’ve specifically handled and won dog bite cases.

  1. Read reviews and testimonials

Research your list of potential lawyers online to see what other people are saying about them. You’ll get a good idea of their reputation through online feedback. Look for patterns like responsiveness, professionalism, empathy, and successful case outcomes. 

Be critical of reviews that appear to be outliers. For example, if a law firm has 100 outstanding reviews and three negative reviews saying the lawyer was horrible, there’s probably more to the story. However, if there are only a handful of positive reviews and the negative reviews are in the majority, move on to your next option. 

Sometimes clients post negative reviews of lawyers after losing their case or when they didn’t get the outcome they wanted. And many cases never even make it to a win-lose situation. If you’re looking for a lawyer who never loses, you won’t find anyone who meets that criteria, so be discerning, but not too rigid. 

  1. Schedule a consultation

Meeting a potential lawyer is essential. Most offer free consultations either in person or through a video chat. Connecting live with a potential attorney gives you a chance to experience their demeanor and communication style, and you’ll get to ask them questions about their fees. A consultation will also ensure they understand your needs, and whether or not they want to take your case. 

  1. When denied, don’t give up

There’s a chance that one or more attorneys will refuse to take your case for various reasons. Some might even say you don’t have a case at all. If this happens, don’t give up; take what they say with a grain of salt. While it might be true, you can’t know until you talk to at least a few lawyers who truly specialize in your case type. 

Some attorneys are too busy to take cases that don’t promise much of a profit. In other situations, general practice attorneys refuse strong cases because they don’t know much about the particular situation. You need an attorney who specializes in your type of case. If you get denied, keep calling around. 

  1. Find a lawyer with a contingency fee model

If you have the funds to pay a lawyer upfront, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, if you’re like most people, and need to make payments, you want a lawyer who works on a contingency. Contingency fees are different from the typical attorney fees paid upfront. 

A lawyer working on contingency will only charge you if and when they win your case. Your settlement checks will be mailed directly to your lawyer, they’ll take their fee off the top, and send you the remainder. 

Choose your lawyer confidently 

Finding the right lawyer doesn’t have to be hard when you know what to look for. By prioritizing expertise, reputation, and transparent fees, you’ll be better equipped to make a confident decision.