How to Convert PDF Files to Other Formats ?



What is a PDF document?

PDF stands for portable document format. The PDF documents are preferred to bring in everyday use because they are easily shareable and printable. The user cannot edit the PDF file easily. So almost everyone has installed some standard tools that help to convert the files into PDF format. But sometimes, we also need to convert our PDF documents into other formats.

pdf to word

Why do people most want to share PDF files rather than the original?

The people mostly think it preferable to share the portable document format (PDF) files rather than sharing the original ones. We will discuss some of the reasons. The five senses are listed below:

  • It allows you to use different and unique formats and fonts while preparing your document.
  • The document shared in PDF format can easily be read on any of the devices you are using. All of the operating systems support PDF formats. Even mobiles and tablets can also read PDF files.
  • The PDF document can be protected with a password.
  • Multiple versions of the software can access the PDF file.
  • All the operating systems are provided with a free PDF reader.

In which of the other formats, a user can convert the PDF file?

A PDF document is also sometimes required to be converted into other formats. The conversion of PDF formats is as follow:

  • Microsoft word format
  • Excel format
  • PowerPoint format
  • Rich Text Format (RTF)

Why is the audience required to convert PDF to word?

It is also essential to talk about the main reasons the audience needs to convert PDF to the word. Let’s list some of them below here:

The document becomes editable with Microsoft word format: When we transfer a PDF file to the recipients, they cannot edit the form because they do not have the original design. In this situation, it becomes necessary to convert PDF to word.  

A PDF reader may be unavailable on specific computers: The PDF format documents are readable only with particular programs installed on the computer. If the available computer does not contain the required software, it is not possible to read PDF. Then the PDF to doc process makes it possible.

Screen Reader tools are compatible with word documents: Screen reader tools sometimes fail in working with PDF format documents. But it becomes consistent and straightforward for screen reader tools to read the word document efficiently. 

The PDF to doc conversion seems to be secured or not?

No doubt, the work of users is confidential. People may have the most essential or personal documents in PDF format. When people need a PDF conversion to a doc, they worry about the privacy issues regarding their papers. They are afraid of stealing their work. But the tools available in the market are mostly committed to the privacy of documents. The data is just to be deleted after the conversion procedure by the public online tools.

Suggested tools that help to convert PDF to Docx:

  • PlagiarismDetector:

This utility site is providing a platform where users can feel comfortable while converting their PDF to word for free. This pdf to doc tool helps to complete the process of converting within a matter of seconds. Access this Pdf to word by using

Let’s talk about the working steps a user must know before using it.

  • You are welcome, click on the “Upload File” button to be converted.
  • The process starts when you will click on the button, “Convert to Word.”
  • You can also download the converted file after clicking on the button “Download.”
  • If you need to convert another file, then click on the button “Start New Conversion.”

What are the features provided by the Plagiarism detector tool?

  • The quality of the document remains the same.
  • You will not be asked to pay a single penny for using this tool.
  • It works equally on all platforms.
  • The document is kept secure.


  • PDF2doc:

It is also available for providing the facility to convert PDF to doc easily. It also ensures its users the best quality provided by this tool. It enables the users to save the file after completion of the conversion process.

  • Smallpdf:

This tool is also committed to providing the best quality of documents after the conversation. The conversion becomes quick and simple by using this tool. Many servers are available here in the cloud, which only does convert. All the devices and platforms support it.

  • PDF2go:

This tool also allows the user to make conversions of the files. A PDF file can be converted into a doc as well as a Docx file. It supports the Microsoft version from 2007 to 2013.

  • FoxitSoftware:

It will allow you to upload your required PDF file from the drag and drop option. After conversion, it will let you download your converted file to the desktop of your device.