Retail BitPOS for Queue Reducing and Business Improving


Technological processes automation is regarded as a significant factor that augments the role of weighing equipment. 

Requirements for accuracy, speed, productivity, and reliability of the weighing facility are constantly increasing, so there’s retail POS system software that saves time and brings the possibility to sell products by the pounds. 

BitPOS for Retail: Pros, Peculiarities, and used Technologies
BitPOS is a combination of point of sale services and scales, which is implemented into the facility for simple checkout at a specific retail location. Such a solution is rather useful as it

  • Allows clients to get by the checkout queues at a fast clip.
  • Helps the person to perform all the procedures using a barcode (if there’s any) or simply by entering the required data.
  • Easily calculates the weight and price of the product.
  • Is rather compact and saves space.
  • Is offered by the TemaBit Company specialists, who combine various technologies to get a decent result. The software can be operated in different modes and such a peculiarity brings functional versatility.

Pay attention that the BitPOS solution fully meets the client’s demands and brings the possibility to find a necessary product in a few seconds. All the customer has to do is to add goods by PLU or simply enter the name. It also is accompanied by a centralized POS system, which improves the communication between store guests and cashiers. The software can be used to inform the person about profitable offers and discounts. The imploded weight scale feature performs all the calculation process in an automated way (it takes 3-5 seconds), so all the queues in the store can be considerably shortened. Moreover, there are no risks of human error appearing due to the mentioned automated processes. 

Why should you Choose TemaBit?
The company is trustworthy as it emphasizes business empowerment through modern technologies and groundbreaking solutions. TemaBit has been presented in the mobile development market for more than 10 years, so its specialists know very well about all the business specifics and try to follow current trends or even dictate them. Corporate employees find out the specifics of the business, research the implemented earlier technology, and delve into the latest challenges. Pay attention that every product is tested before possibilities demonstration, so the TemaBit’s customer runs no risk.