The Role of a Process Server



The role of a process server is primarily to deliver a legal document to someone named in an action. The idea of the process service is to give notice to a party that the action has begun. It will inform them that the relevant document has been filed in the case. The role of a process server is an important one because some documents in a legal action have to be served in a specific way. Process Server Denver is an example of where you can obtain this service online. It is a service that requires a professional with legal knowledge so that legal processes are followed and justice is achieved for the parties involved.

This article will explain what the role of the process server entails.

Instances Where a Process Server is Needed

An example of when a process server is used is where someone files for divorce. The process server will serve the spouse with the divorce papers. Process servers will be called upon to serve divorce proceedings and complaints. The process server must follow the law when serving the documents, so must be experienced in the intricacies of the law in that respect and will sometimes need to be creative to avoid trespassing while delivering the papers.

In cases of debt, most creditors will hire the services of a professional process server.

Who Can Be a Process Server?

A process server needs to be someone over 18 years old and someone that is not a party to the lawsuit. Process servers are used because they have experience in tracking people and excellent communication skills when it comes to dealing with the people that they are serving the documents to. If you want to get the ball rolling quicker, then you may choose to utilise a private investigator service, they will be able to get the proof you need as well as the important documentation that could lead to you developing a strong case against someone. You should ensure that the PI company you use are reputable, as they will undergo an intense investigation and use Experience top notch private detective work with Bond Rees, for example, to uncover the evidence you are needing if you decide you want to take the case to court.

Documents That Need to Be Served in a Specific Manner

Certain documents will need to be served in a specific manner. An example of this is a document that needs to be served personally to the individual. For this to take place, the person must first be identified and be the correct person. Process servers take great care to make sure that they have found the right person to serve the legal papers to. They know how to track and identify those that are trying their best to hide.


Much of a process server’s work will include surveillance. Although the law will not allow them to harass or stalk someone they are trying to serve papers to, there is nothing to prevent them from waiting outside that person’s home or business premises and waiting for them to exit. There can often be an altercation when the moment is reached, which is why an independent and professional process server skilled in the art of negotiation should be employed for this task to be completed. The process server can also wait outside the property of a friend or family member of those they are trying to serve legal paper to. It can be less straightforward than that when the person in question has gone into hiding. It may take an international search conducted by the process server to track down and find them.

Legal Documentation

When it comes to the completion of legal documentation, you want someone on your side that understands the complexities of the law. This is because often complicated legal documents need to be understood and interpreted and completed promptly. The law may appear to move slowly in some respects but there are deadlines to things. Particularly when court appearances and notifications are involved.


As someone knowledgeable in certain aspects of the law, the process server can also be turned to for advice. With the law, many words are used to say a few things but it is those few things that are important. Process servers know the words that affect their clients and act upon those.

Danger Element

There is a dangerous element to the role of the process server but this can be lessened by their training and them learning through experience how to deal with difficult people. The advantage of hiring a process server is that they can cope with this as part and parcel of their job. We are in safe hands as their client.

To conclude, process servers are trained in dealing with the law and handling people, so have all the skills that are needed when it comes to delivering and serving legal documents.