Staff Selection Commission (SSC Exam) – An Overview of Different Posts


Staff Selection Commission (SSC) was established in 1975. SSC Exams are conducted to recruit candidates for Group B and Group C posts in the various ministries, and departments of the Government of India. There are seven different Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Exams such as SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL), SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL), SSC Junior Engineer (JE), SSC Central Police Organisation (CPO), SSC General Duty (GD), SSC Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS), and SSC Stenographer Exam.

The SSC admit card for various SSC exams are released by the Staff Selection Commission. Candidates appearing for any of the exams conducted by SSC have to download the SSC Online Admit Card from the official websites. Some of the important details that need to be filled in the SSC Admit Card is name of the SSC Exam, candidates roll number, SSC exam date, candidate details, SSC exam venue, SSC exam details and reporting time.

Some of the minimum requirements before filling SSC Online Form are the age limit has to be in the bracket of 18 to 32 years, the candidates should have Class 10 certificate, bachelor’s degree from a recognized institute/university and citizenship approved by Government of India. Before filling up the SSC Online forms, candidates must make sure that they check the SSC Eligibility criteria. Some of the documents required while filling a SSC online form are Aadhaar Number or any other  ID Numbers such as School/ College ID, Passport, Driving License, PAN Number, Employer ID, Voter ID Card. Mobile numbers have to be provided for verification through OTP process. Candidates will also have to provide scanned colour passport size photograph & Scanned signature in JPEG format of the desired dimension.

The SSC JE examination is conducted to fill the vacancies for the posts of Junior Engineer (JE) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electrical & Mechanical, Quantity Surveying and Contract Junior Engineer. The gross salary for these posts ranges from approximately Rs 32,000/- to approximately Rs 37,000/-.

The SSC CHSL exam is conducted to recruit eligible candidates for various posts such as Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant (PA), Sorting Assistant (SA) and Data Entry Operator (DEO in various ministries/departments/offices of the Government of India.

SSC CGL exam is conducted to recruit eligible candidates for various posts such as Assistant Accounts Officer, Assistant Sections Officer in Intelligence Bureau, Central Secretariat Service, Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Railways, Inspector of Central Excise, Inspector of Income Tax, Assistant of Enforcement Officer in the Department of Enforcement Directorate, Department of Revenue, Sub Inspector in Central Bureau of Investigation, Inspector in Department of Posts, Inspector in Central Bureau of Narcotics, Sub Inspector in National Investigation Agency (NIA), Junior Statistical Officer in Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Auditor in Offices of CAG, Tax Assistant in Central Board of Direct Taxes, Tax Assistant in Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs. 

SSC CGL exam is conducted over 4 different tiers namely Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, and Tier IV.  Tier I is the preliminary examination which tests the candidates general awareness, quantitative aptitude, english comprehension, general intelligence and reasoning. Tier II mains exam also tests candidates Quantitative aptitude, english language, statistics, general studies which is subdivided into finance & accounting, economics & governance.  Tier III consists of Descriptive paper and Tier IV examination consists of Data Entry Skill set or computer proficiency test.

Staff Selection Commission (SSC Exam) – An Overview of Different Posts

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) was established in 1975. SSC Exams are conducted to recruit candidates for Group B and Group C posts in the various ministries, and departments of the Government of India. There are seven different Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Exams such as SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL), SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL), SSC Junior Engineer (JE), SSC Central Police Organisation (CPO), SSC General Duty (GD), SSC Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS), and SSC Stenographer Exam.

The SSC admit card for various SSC exams are released by the Staff Selection Commission. Candidates appearing for any of the exams conducted by SSC have to download the SSC Online Admit Card from the official websites. Some of the important details that need to be filled in the SSC Admit Card is name of the SSC Exam, candidates roll number, SSC exam date, candidate details, SSC exam venue, SSC exam details and reporting time.

Some of the minimum requirements before filling SSC Online Form are the age limit has to be in the bracket of 18 to 32 years, the candidates should have Class 10 certificate, bachelor’s degree from a recognized institute/university and citizenship approved by Government of India. Before filling up the SSC Online forms, candidates must make sure that they check the SSC Eligibility criteria. Some of the documents required while filling a SSC online form are Aadhaar Number or any other  ID Numbers such as School/ College ID, Passport, Driving License, PAN Number, Employer ID, Voter ID Card. Mobile numbers have to be provided for verification through OTP process. Candidates will also have to provide scanned colour passport size photograph & Scanned signature in JPEG format of the desired dimension.

The SSC JE examination is conducted to fill the vacancies for the posts of Junior Engineer (JE) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electrical & Mechanical, Quantity Surveying and Contract Junior Engineer. The gross salary for these posts ranges from approximately Rs 32,000/- to approximately Rs 37,000/-.

The SSC CHSL exam is conducted to recruit eligible candidates for various posts such as Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant (PA), Sorting Assistant (SA) and Data Entry Operator (DEO in various ministries/departments/offices of the Government of India.

SSC CGL exam is conducted to recruit eligible candidates for various posts such as Assistant Accounts Officer, Assistant Sections Officer in Intelligence Bureau, Central Secretariat Service, Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Railways, Inspector of Central Excise, Inspector of Income Tax, Assistant of Enforcement Officer in the Department of Enforcement Directorate, Department of Revenue, Sub Inspector in Central Bureau of Investigation, Inspector in Department of Posts, Inspector in Central Bureau of Narcotics, Sub Inspector in National Investigation Agency (NIA), Junior Statistical Officer in Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Auditor in Offices of CAG, Tax Assistant in Central Board of Direct Taxes, Tax Assistant in Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs. 

SSC CGL exam is conducted over 4 different tiers namely Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, and Tier IV.  Tier I is the preliminary examination which tests the candidates general awareness, quantitative aptitude, english comprehension, general intelligence and reasoning. Tier II mains exam also tests candidates Quantitative aptitude, english language, statistics, general studies which is subdivided into finance & accounting, economics & governance.  Tier III consists of Descriptive paper and Tier IV examination consists of Data Entry Skill set or computer proficiency test.