The Biggest Challenges You Might Face with Remote Work


Remote working has a large number of advantages, especially for people with familial commitments or who are neurodivergent. These include flexibility, having control over your own work, and being able to work just about anywhere. However, although there are many advantages to remote work, there are almost the same amount of challenges, and these must be overcome if you want to enjoy a productive and successful working life without having to go back to the office.

1.    Time Management

Flexibility is a huge advantage to remote working, and is why many people have started to skip the office. However, it can also be a detriment. With all the distractions that are available to you 24 hours a day, it can be difficult to complete your work on time, especially if you have a large to-do list of non-work-related activities to complete. Rather than allowing time to get away from you, though, there are many steps you can take to prioritize your workload and ensure that it gets completed on time. This includes working during the same hours each day, planning your day, and spreading out your workload. You might also ensure that you do not arrange too many activities for one day so that you can get all the work done that you need to. If time management is not your forte and you can feel the hours slipping away from you, there are many guides online that can help you with effective time management in the future.

Remote Work

2.    A Quiet Place to Work

You might not have noticed just how loud and busy your home was before now, especially if you live with other people. From loud music to playing children, you might often find that your home is what is stopping you from maintaining the focus and attention that you need. If this is the case, you should try to create a workspace away from the rest of the house that is dedicated to your job. You might even decide to convert a spare room to do this and soundproof it so that no noise gets in. If you are unable to do this, you might consider working around the activities of the rest of your family, such as when your kids are asleep, or looking for a place outside of the house to work. For instance, there are many locations that offer co-working spaces and hotdesking for you to enjoy, or you might consider turning up at your local library. This might even give you the chance to meet other remote workers like yourself. However, you should always make sure that this working area has strong Wi-Fi, or else you might find yourself unable to complete your essential tasks.

3.    Isolation

Not many people talk about how isolating remote work can be, though. Although you are able to complete tasks in your own space and time without the interruptions of chatty colleagues, sometimes, it can be these colleagues that get you through a boring day. Not only this, but you might find this isolation particularly poignant when you are struggling to complete a task or if you do not have enough understanding of one of your responsibilities. This is where good communication comes in. Just because you are working away from the office, this does not mean that you have to completely shut yourself off from it. Instead, you should make sure you have set up quick and effective lines of communication before you head home, such as instant messaging services and video conferencing software. This will allow you to get in contact with your manager or other employees whenever you need to.

4.    Technology

There is nothing more frustrating than your technology failing you when you are just trying to get through the day’s workload. This is much more likely to happen when you are working from home, as you might be using less up-to-date devices and not have the IT support that a workplace has. If you are planning to work from home regularly, you should consider investing in a good business laptop that is quick starting and will last you for many years. When you are buying this, you should remember that you can write this purchase down as an expense. Additionally, you must make sure you store it correctly. As well as this, you should increase the power of your internet connection so that you never struggle to access the websites or resources you need to excel at your job.