The Impact Of Technology On Branding: 5 Things You Should Know


The Impact Of Technology On Branding

The last three decades have seen more technological advancements in human history than the last two thousand years!

Look around you. We are living in an age where technology guides and influences every aspect of our life.

From smartphones that have become an extension of the human arm to search engines, social media, remote working tools, and Ecommerce, everything has changed the way we lived.

In the world of business, technology has aided marketing professionals and branding experts create far more positive awareness for the brand. It has allowed for greater reach, better visibility, and personalized experiences.

In this article, we discuss the impact of technology on branding. We speak to a leading branding expert, Mr. Bennet Schwartz, who has helped brands navigate the waters of online branding successfully.

Branding in the Era of Technology: Are Brands Ready?

There is a difference in the speed at which technology is evolving and the pace at which brands are evolving. In most instances, brands are lagging far behind in terms of their technological adoptions and processes.

As soon as they start engaging with new technology, something cooler, better, and more ROI-driven comes up. Take the example of social media. Just when everyone was trying to get the hang of Instagram and YouTube, you have a disruption like TikTok!

In order to create a successful branding process, brands need to engage with technologies that can help them. Branding experts like Schwartz point out that CEOs, Founders, and Entrepreneurs have this ‘should we’ kind of mentality when it comes to technology.

They fail to understand that their business exists in an ecosystem where customers are proactive in engaging with new technologies, software, and tech tools. If you are a business looking to create exciting, immersive, and meaningful branding experiences, you need technology!

List of 5 Things about how Technology is Impacting Branding

  1. Communication-

Branding 101 states that communication is critical to establishing and maintaining relationships between a business and its potential and existing customers. Technology has enabled the development of digital platforms like search engines and social media. All these mediums allow a brand to spread its culture, values, and personality and attract target audiences.

  1. Recognition-

Branding is all about ensuring that the customers are able to identify and recognize your brand in a sea of competitors. From making sure that your logo is known and identifiable to working on your brand website, and social media content, everything helps drive recognition. Technology has made it possible for brands to become identified and recognized by audiences.And when it comes to designing logos online for you business or brand, integrating technology into your branding efforts can be very effective. For that an AI powered online logo maker platform can be very useful for creating eye-catching brand symbols that leave a lasting impression.

  1. Service-

The key to successful branding is improving the experience of the customers through your product and services. Using technology has helped in improving search and discovery, optimizing the logistics process, ensuring easier and faster payments. All this and much more means that businesses are able to work on their branding by offering better service to customers.

  1. Personalization-

Every customer wants to feel special and love individual attention from brands. Three decades back, this was tough, if not impossible. Technology in the form of data analytics has made it possible for brands to improve customization and personalization. This has helped in promoting one-on-one communication and building individualized relationships.

  1. Experiences-

One of the most important pillars of a successful brand is experience. Interactive signboards or hoardings, engaging landing pages, positive online customer support through email and WhatsApp all have added to the experiences of customers. brands have taken help from technology to help them optimize the experiential part and process of their branding strategies.

The Bottom Line

Technology is not all science and has zero creativity or art. Rather, using technology processes, mediums and tools can help give a sizable boost to creativity in marketing efforts. Businesses and their stakeholders need to realize that rather than fighting and being suspicious about new technology, it is better to engage and utilize it in meaningful ways. If you have any more questions, that you would like Bennet Schwartz to answer, please let us know in the comments.