Top Pediatric Medical Jobs



Pediatric medical careers are precisely for those who love working with kids. As a pediatrician, you are responsible for the physical, social, and emotional welfare of the children. 

Keep in mind that, working with kids can be particularly demanding compared to working with adults. 

Toddlers and infants cannot always verbalize where they hurt nor explain the symptoms clearly the same way adults do. 

Surgeons in pediatric jobs also find it rough while operating on their tiny and delicate organs, and almost every pediatric caregiver is obliged to think of both the patient and their family. 

In this article, we will discuss the various pediatric careers available and their role.

  • Pediatrician

Pediatricians are medical professionals trained to diagnose and treat various illnesses in young children, infants, and adolescents. 

To become one, you must undertake a four-year undergraduate course in medical science and spend another four years in medical school, after which you proceed to your internship or residency program. 

The residency or internship program may take approximately three to seven years to complete. Once the aspiring pediatrician has completed all these steps, they can comfortably obtain a medical license.

  • Pediatric registered nurse

Pediatric registered nurses provide pediatric care to children of all ages. They are commonly referred to as RN workers and often work in private practice, hospitals or clinics. 

Likewise, these professionals can only exercise their duties in the presence of a licensed pediatrician. 

For you to qualify as a pediatric RN, you must complete a bachelor’s degree program in nursing, pass the NCLEX-RN. and obtain an RN license. The candidate must also work in a pediatric internship program for two years.

  • Neonatal nurse

Neonatal nursing involves a bunch of registered nurses who provide intensive care to newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). 

Typically, neonatal nurses work with infants who suffer from prematurity, birth defects, or heart problems immediately after birth. Becoming a qualified neonatal nurse requires a minimum of two to four years in a nursing school and one must obtain an RN license. 

The candidate must also have complete clinical experience in relevant units like mother and baby, labor and delivery, and pediatrics. Read here for more

  • Child psychologist

Child psychologists provide supportive therapy and advice to children struggling with depression, anxiety, anger, and other mental disorders. 

This goes all the way until they reach adulthood. A child psychologist must have good communication skills, be a good listener and be very patient. 

To qualify as a successful psychologist, you need both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in phycology from an accredited school. You also need to complete a two-year clinical internship. Those aspiring to join a private practice must earn a doctoral degree.

  • Pediatric orthopedics

These medical professionals are trained to treat and diagnose musculoskeletal problems in children who are still growing. 

Examples of musculoskeletal disorders that require orthopedic services include infections and tumors in joints and bones, legs that differ in length, or spinal curves. 

One must obtain a medical degree from a reputable medical school, attend an orthopedic residency program for approximately five years, and a one-year training in pediatric orthopedics skills.

  • Pediatric nurse practitioner

Pediatric nurse practitioners are trained medical professionals who provide primary and specialty care to children in pediatric departments such as schools, hospitals, or other medical facilities. 

They are also referred to as advanced practice registered nurses (APRN). One could say their role is closely similar to that of a doctor. A pediatric nurse must have a master’s degree in nursing, specifically in pediatric nursing. 

After which they can obtain a nursing license. The candidate is also required to obtain work experience and certification as a pediatric nursing practitioner.

  • Pediatric radiology

These professionals provide treatment and diagnosis of physical injuries and diseases in infants, toddlers, and adolescents with the help of advanced imaging equipment. 

Examples of imaging equipment including, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray, nuclear medicine, and computed tomography (CT). Pediatric radiology works together with primary care pediatricians to provide full-spectrum care to children suffering from chronic pain, amputations, physical birth disorders, and injuries that prevent them from performing various physical activities. 

For you to qualify as Pediatric radiology, you must earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing and then obtain a master’s degree in pediatric nursing along with post-graduate training. Click here to read more.


If you are looking to join the health care fraternity as a professional pediatric caregiver, there are several positions you can choose from. Likewise, the realm of pediatric care has specific care areas including cardiology, neurology, oncology, and others that specialize in infectious diseases. However, for you to be eligible for the said positions, you must have undergone proper training and graduated from a known medical school. In addition, a pediatric healthcare professional must be essentially child-friendly, have good communication skills, a sense of empathy, and great patience. Finally, before you start hunting for a job, make sure you have a well detailed resume as well.