What Does a Connection to Nature at Home Look Like?


As much as you might know that maintaining a strong connection to nature is good for your health, it can be difficult to do that in an everyday kind of way – especially if you live in the middle of a city. While you might know that going for long walks out in natural environments is something you should incorporate into your schedule, how will you do that when you have to work most days?

What Does a Connection to Nature at Home Look Like

Incorporating nature into your own home might help you to start making a positive difference in this area, even if it’s only a partial fix.

Luck of the Draw

Even among people who are working with the same kind of budget in the same area, it’s natural for some people to end up with a home that has some sort of lovely view or garden attached to it, and others to get a property with no such connections and a much further distance to go before finding anything natural. There is an inherent element of luck in deciding how easy it is for you to incorporate nature into your own home life, but if you are on the more unfortunate end of the spectrum, it might be that you have to modify your own schedule to make up the difference by identifying the closest, greenest areas that you can walk to often.

Unobstructed Views

It can feel deeply satisfying to have access to a large and impressive view that gives you plenty to look at. Again, this is something at home that might not come to you easily unless you get lucky or have a lot of money to work with, but sometimes you might find that a possible view is obstructed when it doesn’t need to be.

When you have a certain type of outside space, like a roof, balcony, or decking that has some kind of drop-off beyond it, you’re naturally going to want to put up some kind of safety railing. However, if you make this opaque, then you’re going to be inhibiting the view – a result that you might feel is unavoidable. It doesn’t have to be, though, and many pool fence companies can offer you glass railings for such spaces.

Natural Inclusions

It might be that taking a simpler approach sometimes is enough. House plants are popular arguably for this very reason, allowing you a way to make your own home have a sense of continuity with the outdoors – something that can be very valuable if you feel as though your surrounding area is especially urban. Natural light is a way for you to enhance this further – and the two additions in tandem can help you to feel the benefits that come with both more strongly. Of course, while house plants are something that you can just buy and add to your house however you see fit, natural light is something that you might have less control over, meaning that it might become important to creatively use mirrors to make up the difference.